Brotherband book 8 synopsis
Brotherband book 8 synopsisbrotherband book 8 synopsis

I've never been on any kind of sailboat and so I have nothing to reference it to.

brotherband book 8 synopsis

Pages and pages of this stuff and I STILL didn't know what he was talking about! Perhaps it's just me. All of the nautical references and tidbits about how they turned the boat or changed the sails just annoyed me. I really loved the characters in the John Flanagan is a great author, but this book was SO weighed down with detail that I wanted to pull my hair out by the end. Thus, it becomes mumbo-jumbo to my brain. John Flanagan is a great author, but this book was SO weighed down with detail that I wanted to pull my hair out by the end. If you have ten year-olds to 18 year-olds (particularly boys, but my sister proves that girls will like these) who are looking for a fun fantasy read that's humorous, less taxing than The Hobbit but in the same spirit of medieval style adventure then have a look at these books.more

#Brotherband book 8 synopsis series

In fact I'd rate John Flanagan's entire writing collection (Rangers Apprentice and Brotherband series combined) as some of the finest in YA and modern children's writing in general. On the whole this is a YA novel that appears unassuming but is a very entertaining read. Although of course the difference is that in this all the deaths are typically villainous pirates who deserve to die for their evil misdeeds. Although that said The Invaders does feature pirates torturing a captive (although only the after effects are described) and far more deaths than The Hunger Games.

brotherband book 8 synopsis

Likely only content at this point would separate a ten year old from reading The Hunger Games over this for its simplicity. It's remarkable to think that the language in this is perhaps far more advanced than The Hunger Games.

brotherband book 8 synopsis

In fact the wonder of this novel is that I know many younger children who can read these novels and still get plenty out of them. I suspect if I were to compare this to other average YA novels however that the lexicon would prove more advanced, that the language would prove more sophisticated in its elegant construction than those. I think it has something to do with the mixture of classier words and terms and his easy-going style: he certainly has got the laid-back Australian manner down in his writing. John Flanagan writes in a manner that is particularly appealing to me personally. John Flanagan, author of the brilliant Rangers Apprentice series (see The Ruins of Gorlan one which both I, my mother and my sister - the readers in our house - love) continues the adventures of his young Skandian sailors as they set out to retrieve an artefact lost on their watch and hence their honour. As a novel to recommend for anyone looking for a purely entertaining read it's very worthwhile. John Flanagan writesĪs a YA novel The Invaders is intelligent, entertaining and top of its class. Even Brotherband training and the help of Skandia's greatest warrior may not be enough to ensure that Hal and his friends return home with the Andomal-or their lives.moreĪs a YA novel The Invaders is intelligent, entertaining and top of its class. But that means traversing stormy seas, surviving a bitter winter, and battling a group of deadly pirates willing to protect their prize at all costs. To find redemption they must track down the thief Zavac and recover the Andomal. But their celebration comes to an abrupt end when the Skandians' most sacred artifact, the Andomal, is stolen-and the Herons are to blame. This group of outsiders has beaten out the strongest, most skilled young warriors in all of Skandia to win the Brotherband competition. Hal and the Herons have done the impossible. But their celebration comes to an abrupt end when the Skandians' most sacred artifact, the Andomal, is stolen-and the Herons The adventure continues in the Ranger's Apprentice companion trilogy! The adventure continues in the Ranger's Apprentice companion trilogy! Hal and the Herons have done the impossible.

Brotherband book 8 synopsis